Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Homemade Bubble Mixes

Simple Bubble Mix:
1/4 cup Joy brand dish washing detergent (other brands don't work as well)
1/2 cup water
a few drops of food coloring
1 tsp sugar

Mix together and put into a container with a lid. Let the mixture age for 2-3 days before using.

Gooey Bubble Mix:
1 cup Joy brand dish washing detergent (other brands don't work as well)
3 cups water
6 tablespoons light corn syrup

Mix together and let sit for a few hours before using. This mixture is best for toddlers and for making huge bubbles because it stays together better. It does make the ground more slippery where bubbles pop though!

Recipes from Beginning Fun With Water & Bubbles - A Totline Beginning Science Book


Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

I love all of your fun & simple ideas! You remind moms to not get lost in the hard parts of motherhood, but instead, to seize every moment & enjoy the journey. THANK YOU!

Jamie - Family Focused Fun said...

Thank you so much! :-)